Working to a prearranged plan, he rang the First Secretary and requested an appointment with the Ambassador. 按照预先安排的计划,他打电话给一等秘书,请求约见大使。
I just mean that this is my first public board appointment, and it is a validation of the importance of the type of work hearsay is doing. 我只是想说,这是我首次被任命为上市公司董事,这是对Hearsay公司所做工作重要性的一个认可。
John: Yes. Oh, look at the time! We should be in a hurry to make that first appointment! 是这样。哦,看一下时间。我们得赶紧去赴第一个约会了!
If they want to see a friend, or meet a business colleague, they telephone first to make an appointment. 如果他们要拜访朋友或会见业务伙伴,会首先打个电话预约。
We should be in a hurry to make that first appointment! 我们得赶紧去赴第一个约会了!
My first appointment is with Mr. Schmitt. 我的第一个约会是和Schmitt先生会谈。
Today is my first dentist appointment. 今天是我第一次和牙医的约会。
General the Lord Guthrie was the first officer not to be promoted upon appointment as Chief of the Defence staff – a role he held from 1997 to 2001. 古斯里勋爵将军是第一位被任命为国防参谋长后没再获得晋升的皇室军官,他从1997年到2001年间担任该职。
You'd better make a phone call first to make an appointment. 你最好打电话预约一下。
After I got my first appointment, out on Long Island, out at Adelphi, and Iris was pregnant with Jeff, this letter arrived. 我是在第一次受聘,在长岛亚特尔斐上班,爱丽丝刚怀上杰夫以后,收到她的来信的。
It meant that he would be first on the appointment list, that he would not be invited to lunch. 这意味着,他是会见名单的第一个,他也不会被邀请共进午餐。
The first sign of this metamorphosis was Wilson's appointment of Louis D. Brandeis to the Supreme Court on January 28, 1916. 这一变化的第一迹象,是1916年1月28日威尔逊任命路易斯?D?布兰代斯为最高法院法官。
Her first academic appointment was as a lecturer at Manchester university. 她的第一个教学职务是曼彻斯特大学讲师。
In the first months of my appointment, difficulties and challenges cropped up in large number, but I wouldn't slacken my pace. 在我上任的最初,我面临过许多的困难和挑战,但我不能懈怠,我必须不断前进来克服它们。
In his first major speech since his appointment earlier in the summer, he told an audience in Washington that the rules were "not about government regulation of the internet". 他的观点在今夏他的首次重要讲话中被提及,他告诉华盛顿的听众们规则应该是“不靠政府管制网络”。
His first faculty appointment underlines this approach. 他的第一个人员任命就凸显了这一策略。
When I addressed the Health Assembly for the first time, immediately following my appointment, I expressed my intention not to follow a full-menu approach. 上任伊始,我在卫生大会进行第一次发言,即表明我并没有计划开展所有方面的工作。
His first task is to clinch the appointment of a bank of Japan governor willing to pull out all the stops to meet a 2 per cent inflation target. 安倍的第一项任务,是确保能任命一位愿全力以赴实现2%通胀目标的人士担任日本央行(boj)的新行长。
"I hope there will be more oversight from the media and from all walks of life," Wang Rong, acting mayor of Shenzhen, said in his first briefing with foreign media since his appointment last month. 深圳代市长王荣在上月就任以来的首次外国媒体吹风会上表示,他希望能有更多来自媒体和社会各界的监督。
Herman Van Rompuy, the EU's new president, will chair the meeting for the first time since his appointment under the terms of the Lisbon treaty. 范龙佩担任欧盟新总统,根据里斯本条约,就职后他将首次主持会议。
The office of the First Lady Laura Bush will be overseeing the appointment of his successor. 第一夫人劳拉-布什的办公室将监督其继任者的选拔过程。
The first is the short-term decision about the appointment of a new marketing manager. 第一是近期决定任命一位新营销经理。
As soon as you think you are pregnant, call your health care provider to find out when you should come in for your first prenatal care appointment. 只要你认为你是怀孕了,打电话给你的健康护理提供者,以了解当你应该为你的第一个预约产前护理研究。
Doctor: on the first appointment, I'll make plaster models of your jaws. 医生:第一次复诊,我要取石膏模型。
Changing Concept, Clarifying Tasks, Leading Effectively and Working Diligently to Make Xichang College a Famous College& Speech at the First Appointment of Mid-level Leaders of Xichang College 更新观念明确任务真抓实干把西昌学院建成知名的本科学院&在首届中层干部聘任大会上的讲话以竞争为突破口全面推行干部聘任制度
At the first place, appointment of the right to ownership in the exchange system reform is the core issue of the provincial party and government leading cadres. 第一,省级党政领导干部交流制度的核心问题是人事任命权的归属,它决定了制度在现实中究竟是如何被执行的。
As long as suspects are appointed for public duty by stated-owned units, the first or second appointment does not matter in determining the subject of official crimes. 而只要是受国有单位的委派从事公务,无论是一次委派还是二次委派,均不影响其职务犯罪主体的认定。
From the first pass of higher civil service examination and appointment of staff is a vision of the distribution of civil service selection examinations difficult to implement. 从第一届高等文官考试及格人员的分发和任用可以窥见公务员考试选拔的艰难推行。
As the first procedure in the cadres 'selection and appointment, the initial nomination plays an important role in guiding the work of selection. 作为干部选拔任用的第一道程序,初始提名对于整个干部选拔任用工作起着重要的导向作用。